Inilah kondisi sebenarnya hak-hak perempuan di Afghanistan yang dikuasai Taliban, Propaganda Barat memang jahat
Female spaces are all open. Beauty salons in my neighborhood (next to the Taliban base) are open and nobody is stopping the women from doing hair and makeup. Women's park is open. Even women's bath houses are open. Nobody wants to be honest that the issue really is gender mixing.
— bibi janey (@janeygak) September 9, 2021
Women are teaching primary schools, providing healthcare as nurses and doctors, and managing offices. In the school that I may work at, the "mudira" office manager is still going to work and says she is in constant contact with the local IEA authorities through WhatsApp.
— bibi janey (@janeygak) September 9, 2021
Nobody wants to hear the stories where women are going to work as usual, are acting civil, and just trying to live normal lives. All the attention is on a few loudmouths who probably don't even have jobs.
— bibi janey (@janeygak) September 9, 2021