GEGER! New Zealand Herald KECAM Jokowi yang Dianggap Lecehkan Pemerintah dan Rakyat Selandia Baru!

Kunjungan kenegaraan Jokowi ke Selandia Baru ternyata menyisakan kekecewaan bagi pemerintah dan warga Selandia Baru.

Hal ini terungkap dalam sebuah artikel berita New Zealand Herald berjudul "Audrey Young: Visiting leaders show disrespect by failing to share platform with Jacinda Ardern" yang ditulis Audrey Young, seorang editor politik New Zealand Herald, Ahad 25 Maret 2018.

Dalam kutipannya, Young dengan tegas menuliskan:

"It was shameful that on a state visit he failed to present himself in some manner to the public of New Zealand".

Jokowi telah gagal menempatkan diri sesuai adat dan kepatutan di hadapan publik Selandia Baru.

Kecaman ini ternyata terkait dengan penolakan Jokowi untuk melakukan konferensi pers resmi dengan Perdana Menteri Ardern.

Padahal sebelumnya, dalam persiapan kunjungan kenegaran ini, Menteri Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan Selandia Baru telah mengajukan permohonan konferensi pers bersama antara kedua pemimpin negara, namun permintaan ini ditolak Jokowi.

Penolakan Jokowi ini bisa dianggap sebagai sebuah pelecehan terhadap pemerintah Selandia Baru.

"Two leaders fronting together and talking about the relationship is an implicit display of respect for the other leader and country. The opposite applies. To decline to do so is implicitly disrespectful to Ardern and New Zealand," tulis Young.

Young menambahkan, memang, mengadakan konferensi pers bersama berisiko memunculkan beberapa pertanyaan sensitif kepada Jokowi, misalnya tentang isu Papua Barat.

Lebih jauh Young menuliskan, jika seorang pemimpin negara tak memiliki kemampuan untuk menghadapi konferensi pers yang mungkin memunculkan pertanyaan sensitif, mungkin sebaiknya mereka tak terjun ke dunia politik.

"But if they don't have the skill to handle those, maybe they should not be in politics," tandas Young.

Berikut isi artikel selengkapnya;

It was a shame that Barack Obama refused to allow any meaningful media opportunities on his trip to New Zealand but he had an excuse given that it was a private trip.

Indonesia President Joko Widodo had no such excuse. It was shameful that on a state visit he failed to present himself in some manner to the public of New Zealand.

When preparing for the visit, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Mfat) raised the issue of holding a joint press conference alongside Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, but the Indonesians declined.

Ardern will be too diplomatic to describe it as an insult, but it is one.

When New Zealand leaders visit other countries, they are expected to behave according to the protocols and values of that country. The same should apply for visitors to New Zealand.

Two leaders fronting together and talking about the relationship is an implicit display of respect for the other leader and country.

The opposite applies. To decline to do so is implicitly disrespectful to Ardern and New Zealand.

The Government needs to send a swift message to Mfat that such events for future VIP visits must be raised not by invitation but in the context of an expectation.

It need not be expressed in terms of compulsion but an obligation except for exceptional circumstances.

If Ardern does not make this clear now, Mfat will continue to present it as a take-it-or-leave-it option for the visiting country to dictate.

The Widodo visit followed a high-level visit the previous week from Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, again during which no press conference was organised. 
These two examples should not set a pattern for the rest of her premiership.

Holding a joint public press event was an expectation for VIPs under both Helen Clark and John Key's leadership.

In 2001, when Clark was hosting the first Indonesia President to visit New Zealand in 29 years, Abdurrahman Wahid, he surprised everyone at their press conference by talking about the problems with corruption in his country's justice system, including the judiciary.

It was in the context of questions about justice for the killers of Private Leonard Manning, who was killed on patrol near the West Timor border.

Setting an expectation that VIPs front will definitely leave them open to questions about potentially sensitive areas, West Papua in the case of Widodo

But if they don't have the skill to handle those, maybe they should not be in politics.

It is not New Zealand or Mfat's job to protect VIPs from sensitive issues.

Penolakan Jokowi ini pun ditanggapi beragam oleh warganet

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