Jangan Minum Darah Saudaramu
Starbucks got blood on its hands.
She defends the Zionist terrorist state by supporting the occupying Israel.
As Jews, we call on all people to boycott such companies that have the blood of innocent people on their hands.
Starbucks berlumuran darah di tangannya.
Dia membela negara teroris Zionis dengan mendukung pendudukan Israel.
Sebagai orang Yahudi, kami menyerukan kepada semua orang untuk memboikot perusahaan-perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab atas darah orang-orang yang tidak bersalah.
Starbucks got blood on its hands.
— Torah Judaism (@TorahJudaism) October 15, 2023
She defends the Zionist terrorist state by supporting the occupying Israel.
As Jews, we call on all people to boycott such companies that have the blood of innocent people on their hands.#FreePalestine#Starbucksboycott pic.twitter.com/Y4V0yDVCjd