Dubes Belanda Ngewit Ngobrol Asyik dengan Anies Baswedan, Netizen: Dia Presiden Masa Depan Indonesia
Good talks with Jakarta Governor @aniesbaswedan in the beautifully restored City Hall. Jakarta is taking major steps in supporting CYCLING as a means of transport - we will both join tomorrow’s #WorldCyclingDay! pic.twitter.com/6rnIeIVMxh
— Lambert Grijns (@LambertGrijns) June 2, 2021
Thank you Mr. Grijns, just info, Mr. @aniesbaswedan is an Indonesia Governor now and spirits for Indonesia future, we hope he is to be the Indonesia Next President
— mt.rasyid (@mtrasyid) June 2, 2021
Both Jakarta and Governor @aniesbaswedan are the face of Indonesia. Jakarta has been reprensenting the look of how good government should be running.
— Sean Akbar (@SeanAkbar4) June 3, 2021
Deep talk atau percakapan yang mendalam itu hanya lahir dari pemikiran yang juga mendalam, maka nyaris mustahil hadir dari dalam kepala presiden plonga-plongo.
— Denis Malhotra (@denismalhotra) June 3, 2021